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Cory Evans; liked it: 4668 votes; ; runtime: 90minutes; Release date: 2020; Cast: Terry Crews






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The willoughbys shut up jane. The willoughbys cast jane. The willoughbys reaction. The willoughbys bus. The willoughbys singer. The willoughbys csfd. The willoughbys cast who plays who. The willoughbys trailer (2020. Based on the book of the same name by Lois Lowry, The Willoughbys appear to be a perfectly normal family from the outside. Two parents who greatly love each other and their four children. The problem: Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby never wanted children and have no extra love or tolerance for them. When these four kids grow up, they determine they would be better off living on their own. This is overall a fairly heavy kid"s movie. It deals with child neglect and abuse, abandonment, and death. It is all shown in cartoonish manner, but if you or your kids have any history with any of the previously mention topics, this is not something I would consider a safe or fun watch. There"s also some slightly creepy imagery, mostly coming from the young twins. For our full parent review with lessons, discussion questions and age suggestion check out the post on our blog- Down the Hobbit Hole Blog dot com. There are a lot of great lessons that can be discussed from this great adaption.

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So the plot is about this group of weird children who get rid of their neglectful and selfish parents and inadvertently learn the importance of family through their nanny and their equally weird candymaker friend. While the plot is kinda done-before, the movie makes up for it with its pleasant animation/art style, charming characters and some spot on comedic timing, making for a great experience of a film.
Folks, if you have a Netflix account: Don"t waste your money on Trolls World Tour. Give this overlooked gem a watch and let it have the attention it deserves. Because so far it"s the best animated movie of the year. (At least until Soul comes out...

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In a dystopian near future with absence of resources, people can freely to go into The Hole, a vertical underground jail where after an interview to check the possible admission, the volunteer passes a determined time in exchange to acquire more social status. Hoping to get an approved title, Goreng wakes up in the level 48 to discover The Hole"s structure: only one cell of 6 meters height (so-so 20 feet) per level with a rectangular hole in the middle in all them, used by The Hole"s administration to descend a too rectangular floating platform with the food for all prisoners, downing from level 0 (the restaurant in the surface where food is cooked) to the bottom, standing 2 minutes per level. With veteran Trimagasi as cell"s partner, Goreng learns eventually The Hole"s main rules: 1st, each inmate arrives The Hole with a personal object to chose from the exterior; 2nd, the inmates can"t keep food off the platform under penalty to die by extreme heat or cold; and 3rd, one time per month all inmates are asleep using gas in order to exchange all them of level. But when a month later they both wake up in the level 171, Goreng learns for his horror that all the inmates divide in four types: those in the upper levels who eat with more time to think, those in the mid levels who eat the rests of the food left in the platform, those in the lower levels whose don"t eat after platform arrives empty becoming in demented and starved killers, and finally those who jump to the void by the hole, crashing against lower levels to being cannibalized by the savage inmates. Saved to be killed by Trimagasi in the last minute by Miharu, a silent and violent young girl who time and time again descends in the platform looking for her missing child forced to be in The Hole, Goreng starts lose his mind in a place without morality or humanity, passing from level 23 to 252 with Imoguiri (Goreng"s interviewer and an ingenuous about the reality of The Hole) as new partner to finally arrive in level 6 with Baharat as lately partner, who tries with a rope scaling to level 0. But Goreng tells Baharat a better plan to leave The Hole
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First, I wanna start with the ending scene, to those who think that it"s an empty or helpless ending... well, in my opinion, you are wrong! Because the writer (David Desola) wants us to fly away with our imagination and make it fit to our understanding and principles of each individual. Second, the movie is trying to deliver a clear message that explain Mankind and it"s daily struggle with power, greed, and money. Third, Goreng had decided to choose a book over a gun or a killing machine, in a way to proof that intellectual is much stronger than any weapon, which is the only method must follow for surviving in such a cruel-dark challenges of life. And overall, David wants to teach us a lesson of how people should be united and in self-control in crisis period to have access to resources that are enough for all.

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The two main characters (Goreng and Baharat) representing socialism, taking food from the ones in the superior levels and sharing with people in the inferior levels, people with fear, hunger, behaving increasingly violent as they descent into madness and death, some of them only could be stopped with more violence, this socialist structure gets damaged in consequence.
Trimagasi is the pathetic example of human nature and cynicism; Imoguiri the voice of reason and idealism, both doomed.
The Asian woman representing a normal individual, a foreign searching for a daughter that society don"t think she has because "the administration don"t accept people under 16 years of age.
At the beginning of the "revolution" panna cotta is a symbol of people learning to get along together in a socialist society, that is not true of course, as they descent to the deep end they discover that the "daughter of the woman" exists destroying the system and their rules, this girl represents hope because it is unknown how this little girl survived all this time in that room, the only one not affected by extreme cold or heat.
At the end, children are the ones that suffer when a society forgets that they exist, the silent victims. The "socialism" or what"s left (Gorang) don"t need to go in this platform, the panna cotta was its symbol and it didn"t work because they need it to feed the child,
taking care of the child finally fulfilled what socialism meant to be and destroyed the system (The Platform.
I really enjoyed this film, mind blowing! My first time writing a review, sorry the grammar mistakes.

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